- 1-888-909-NAVY (6289)
- Standard Member
12960 SW 133 Ct
Miami FL, 33186
1.8 out of 5 stars (based on 10 reviews)
Very good0%
12960 SW 133 Ct
Miami FL, 33186
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good company and good guy I don’t know what happened with another cases but with my case I will give this company above 5 star
Harassing phone calls after requesting a quote for auto transport through another site. Up to 15 calls per day for several days. I have blocked them, but they continue to leave voicemails. I would NEVER use a company that thinks this type of behavior is ok. It is self-serving and downright rude! There are a lot of companies out there…
0 STARS!!! I went through a website in order to be able to compare quotes from multiple companies. The website specifically stated that the quotes would be received by email. When Eric text me, I asked him not to and let him know I was not interested in the services due to the fact that my preference was not considered. He proceeded to insult me, implying that I am ignorant. As you can see from the messages below, I was direct, but not offensive. I even tried to call the office to speak to a supervisor but there was no answer. How this company makes it okay to insult potential customers is beyond me.