- www.nmotionautotransport.com
- 1-855-407-4160
- Standard Member
2.3 out of 5 stars (based on 8 reviews)
Very good0%
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I have been trying to get in contact with them for the past month left voice messages and no one has returned my phone. If they have changed their contact info they need to update it. I have used them in the past twice no issues. Now when I really need them, they are no where to be find.
I moved a load for N Motion Transport on april 18th. I have not been able to get in contact with anyone since april 30th. I have not been paid yet!!! we agreed on paper to a 10 day pay schedule!!!!! I have proof and email correspondence of all im saying if anyone tries to defend.
I revised my review from earlier because I did end up using this company to ship my car. Thankfully they did contact me after leaving me in the dark for a few days. Meagan was nice enough to accommodate me when the car arrived earlier than expected. I was charged an extra $30 that was not included in my receipt or agreement which made me feel a little cheated however, I did receive my car in one piece.